The redeem code is generated for the convenience of issuing licenses, so the default redeem code will be issued after successful purchase, and one redeem code can be exchanged for 1 or 2 years of ultimate edition.
Tips for Buying:
1.Redeem code can only be used in WoTerm client.
2.The start date of the redeemed license is calculated from the date of the successful redeemed license. If there is an existing license, the duration of the old license will be automatically accumulated to the new license.
3.After the successful redeem, the code will become invalid. The service background will regularly clean up the expired or invalid code.
4.The redeem code is valid for 1 month. Once you get the redeem-code, you should use it as soon as possible.
5.The redeem-code can be used accumulated. Each time, the validity period of the license will be increased by 1 or 2 years, and the license will be reissued. The maximum accumulative duration is not more than 3 years.
6.The redeem-code is not associated with the machine code, so you can freely give it to others.
Purchase redeem code
Selling price:0$ /Seat/Year
0$ /Seat/Two-Year
Contact us
Email: open@aoyiduo.com